Friday, December 17, 2010

a Spicy Hot Afternoon ...

for me today. The reason - Mee Siam, yummm ymmmmm :)

The bowls above contain my mother-in-law's version of mee siam rempah for frying into the rice noodles, making the gravy, and the sambal paste for that extra dash of "zing".
(See my earlier post about our mee siam...)

It'll be "instant" work for whoever cooks it, but its been loads of work the past few days of peeling/prepping onions & chilli from scratch, and grinding that and all other ingredients that go into one of Singapore's most favourite dishes.

We had quite a lot of orders for Xmas and New Year, so now its on to weighing out everything and sealing the bags, but ...

first things first, and that was to "get rid" of Miss Tania for the afternoon.. More about that later.

... and yeah, really - I NEED her to be OUT OF THE HOUSE this afternoon - when I was downstairs assembling this stuff, she was upstairs helping herself to little bags of pearls and beads on the lower shelf, and came running down the stairs showing off her loot ;))) - with a great big smile, of course. The little imp ! :))

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